Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Scott Cohen on “Grey’s Anatomy”

As mentioned earlier this week, Scott Cohen (Max Medina on Gilmore Girls DVD) guest starred in the April 29th episode of Gilmore Girls DVD set, ‘Hook, Line and Sinner.’ The episode featured a very popular cardio surgeon coming to the hospital to perform a surgery… and to perhaps consider taking over the deparment.

Scott Cohen played this surgeon, Tom Evans, Gilmore Girls DVD boxset almost has celebrity status in the surgery field. Indeed, Cristina Yang was enamored with him… until Teddy reminded her that, though the surgery was fantastic, she merely observed it. Tom was a terrible teacher.

The latest Gilmore Girls seasons 1-7 DVD boxset piece of news is that the series will now be available for digital download purchase on iTunes. The Complete Series of Gilmore Girls DVDwill now be available as well as seasons 3-7 in high definition for the first-time ever!

To celebrate this news, Warner Bros. has offered Gilmore Girls DVD set News readers a contest! We are giving away a gift pack featuring 2 mugs – a Luke’s mug and a Dragonfly Inn mug. Of course, you can also buy these mugs and other Gilmore Girls items at the WBShop.

Simply leave a comment on this post. If you want to be creative, share your favorite snack for watching Gilmore Girls DVD boxset episodes (on topic with our junk food discussion, if you want!).

The contest will close on April 22nd at 2pm PST. The Gilmore Girls DVD will be drawn randomly and will be emailed for their address.

One entry per person. A valid email address must be included in the email part of the comment form. Contest open to US residents only (sorry!).

People still say to me that they haven’t watched the final episode of Gilmore Girls seasons 1-7 DVD boxset because they don’t want it to be over. You have to be proud of something that captures people’s imagination like that.”

On real life parenthood: “If I met someone who had children, that would be Gilmore Girls DVD exciting to me. But at the same time, my sister’s my family, my grandmother’s my family, my godson is my family. I have a really full life, and I’m really happy with what I have.”

On signing on for Gilmore Girls DVD set: “You make a list of all the things you want, but what you really want is to fall in love with somebody. You want a good partnership with a writer of Gilmore Girls DVD boxset who is a good storyteller and can write for you. After I read the pilot, I felt this show is something I could spend years on and feel challenged and represented.”

Aside from being a more sane life for sure, I find that I have to really make sure I know where I am in the story because in Gilmore Girls DVD I’m not in every scene and I have to sort of think about it as an actor in terms of the arc of each episode of Gilmore Girls seasons 1-7 DVD boxset in a more deep way instead of trusting that since I’m in most of the scenes I can kind of gauge where I am. I’ve actually found this work really gratifying because it is more specific, you’re working with a smaller amount of material and therefore everything is really important. On Gilmore Girls DVDsometimes I’d be in a scene that was just there kind of for fun, where as here each scene really is an important part of where my character is… And I think what I’ve discovered and what I’ve really enjoyed… is just finding the ways in which this character just continues to sort of feel like a failure. As opposed to Lorelai Gilmore Girls DVD set who had a very sunny outlook on things, it’s been really interesting for me to play someone who is kind of shouldering a lot of baggage in terms of being disappointed about where she is in life and just the feeling of living in your Gilmore Girls DVD boxset’s house at 38 and how that informs everything and doesn’t make you feel too great. Looking at life through the eyes of disappointment is kind of a thing I think about a lot with Sarah.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Exclusive First Look At 'THE REAL L WORD' To Air on SHOWTIME

On Monday, April 26th, following brand new episodes of The L word DVD series NURSE JACKIE and UNITED STATES OF TARA, SHOWTIME will air an exclusive "First Look" at the lovely ladies of The L word DVD set. The sneak peek will give viewers the first taste of these six successful, attractive Los Angeles lesbians as their lives unfold on screen in a way only premium television can offer - uncut and uncensored.

Each cast member will tease her own individual story - the good, bad and sometimes ugly - that will be revealed in the nine-episode season of The L word DVD boxset, which will premiere on SHOWTIME on Sunday, June 20th at 10pm PT/ET. The series is sure to challenge stereotypes and prove, unequivocally, that lesbians can be every bit as glamorous, fashionable, fabulous and even as cutthroat as those hetero housewives.

The Real L word season 1-6 DVD boxset is the first gay-themed reality series on premium television and is produced by Magical Elves ("Top Chef," "Kell On Earth") and Ilene Chaiken, the executive producer behind the groundbreaking, long-running SHOWTIME series The L word dvd(R).
On Monday, April 26th, following "Nurse Jackie" and "United States of Tara" Showtime is set to air an exclusive first look at the women of "The L word dvd set."

The sneak peek will give viewers an overview of six successful, attractive Los Angeles lesbians as their lives unfold on screen uncut and uncensored.

Each cast member will tease her own individual story – the good, bad and sometimes ugly – that will be revealed in the nine-episode season of The L word dvd, which will premiere on Sunday, June 20th at 10pm PT/ET.

The The L word seasons 1-6 dvd boxset series is sure to challenge stereotypes and prove, unequivocally, that lesbians can be every bit as glamorous, fashionable, fabulous and even as cutthroat as those hetero housewives.

The The L word dvdseries is the first gay-themed reality series on premium television and is produced by Magical Elves (“Top Chef,” “Kell On Earth”) and Ilene Chaiken, the executive producer behind Showtime's "The L word dvd boxset."

Monday, April 26, 2010

The L-Word

Alcohol and sex. They’re probably the two biggest conversation topics in The L word DVD
at Sunday brunch in Proctor, and the most interesting stories involve both of them. The Health Center, and the administration in general, are obligated to stress that sex and alcohol don’t mix — for good reason, The L word DVD Setconsidering sexual assault statistics on college campuses — but despite the warnings and Jyoti Daniere’s attempts to start a student dating movement, the sexually active Middlebury student’s night life seems to involve drunk sex with mere acquaintances.

I don’t have any research or data to back up the claim I just made, and I am quite aware that plenty of Midd-kids get The L word DVD boxset on sober or with long-term partners, but the stories I hear in the dining hall and from friends paint a picture of lots of drunken doing-the-deed between people who hardly know each other.

Personally, I have never had drunk sex with someone I’ve just met —The L word Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset I’ve definitely had awkward sexual encounters with friends while drunk and interesting drunken interludes with romantic partners, but the idea of going to a party or a bar, drinking and then picking up a stranger just never really sat well with me.

After making my The L word DVD sufficiently uncomfortable because of sober sexcapades, I think I also realized that loosing my drunk self on a room full of similarly sloshed and attractive people would end very…embarrassingly The L word DVD Set. I don’t want to be that girl getting her face sucked off with her hands down someone else’s pants in the middle of the dance floor, and that idea would seem way too okay if I were drunk.

The other thing about hooking up with a stranger while drunk is you’re not on your The L word DVD boxset, and I’m rather proud of the skills I’ve developed over the years — I don’t want anyone’s first (and probably last) impression of The L word Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset to be characterized by sloppy making out or me vomiting on their junk. After a certain level of intoxication, drunken sex is just not good sex in general — it’s like eating junk food. It satisfies an immediate and superficial hunger, but it leaves many other needs unmet, and if you have too much of it, The L word DVD’s detrimental to your health (holistically and physically, if you consider the heightened risk for STIs).

I turned 21 last week, and my first bar-hopping experience this The L word DVD Set weekend has changed my opinion on sex and alcohol. I didn’t go out and pick up a stranger at a bar (my boyfriend might have had something to say about that), but I got my first taste of intoxication in public surrounded by attractive 20-somethings, and it wasn’t the debacle I’ve imagined. The L word DVD boxset, I wasn’t on the prowl, and I didn’t drink to excess, but I was sufficiently silly and uninhibited, and I was amazed at the potentiala I felt the whole night.

Strangers chatted me up and I felt confident, even hot — I chatted them up right back like a pro. Or at least my tipsy conception of how a pro makes fine new friends.

Locking eyes with someone from across the room and absconding to the bathroom for a quickie felt possible — not necessarily like a good idea, but The L word DVD felt possible — and I guess I finally understood the appeal of Middlebury’s sex scene. It’s easy if you know how to play the game. Not so easy that you don’t have to show up to the table with some natural (not just liquid) confidence and charm at the ready, but a lot easier than approaching someone after class and asking them on a date.

Alcohol, used moderately, is an effective way to keep silly things like inhibitions from cockblocking us (so to speak). Problems arise when alcohol isn’t used in moderation, and I still think a diet of drunk The L word DVD boxset isn’t enough to fulfill a person, but what’s a little (consenting) tipsy tryst every once in a while?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sexy Finale mit The L-Word - Finale Season

So sexy war der Sommer noch nie! Mit noch mehr Liebe, Lust und Leidenschaft feiert die beliebte US-Serie ?The L word DVD“ am 11. Juni 2010 ihr Finale, wenn Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment die lang ersehnte 6. Staffel sowie die die exklusive Complete Box auf The L word DVD Set ver?ffentlicht. Alle Fans der lesbischen Frauenclique aus L.A. k?nnen sich auf sieben Stunden L Glamour und jede Menge sexy Bonusmaterial freuen. Und für alle, die mehr wollen, gibt es bei eine attraktive The L word DVD boxset Complete Box mit allen sechs Seasons: ein absolutes Must-Have, nicht nur für diesen Sommer!

Sexy, sinnlich und tabulos zugleich – das ist ?The L word Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset“. Wie keine andere TV-Serie zeichnet sie die H?hen und Tiefen von Leben, Liebe und Leidenschaft provokant und treffsicher nach. Mit spannenden Plots und überzeugenden Charakteren versprüht ?The L word DVD“ seit nun bereits sechs Staffeln eine magische Wirkung und hat l?ngst Kultstatus erreicht. Für den Emmy? nominiert, behandelt die revolution?re Serie neben dem l?ssigen L.A.-Lifestyle und dem spannenden Liebesleben der lesbischen Frauenclique auch sozialkritische Themen wie Coming Outs, Rassismus oder gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe – The L word DVD setdie richtige Mischung Leben, Liebe und Lifestyle!

Sexier und spannender als je zuvor!
Zum Finale von ?The L word DVD boxset“ überschlagen sich bei den L Ladies die Ereignisse: Ein Mitglied der Clique wird ermordet. Für Shane (Katherine Moenning, ?Three Rivers”), Niki (Kate French, ?One Tree Hill“) und die anderen bricht eine Welt zusammen – erst recht, als die Polizei den M?rder im engsten Kreis der Freundinnen vermutet. Was ist in der Zeit vor dem Mord vorgefallen?

Und auch sonst ist wieder einiges los in The L word Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset: Bette (Jennifer Beals, ?Flashdance“) und Tina (Laurel Holloman, ?Boogie Nights“) wünschen sich sehnlichst Nachwuchs, Max stellt erschüttert fest, dass ?er“ schwanger ist und Kit (Pam Grier, ?Jackie Brown“) muss lernen, dass ein und derselbe Mensch zwei Gesichter haben kann. Besonders prickelt es aber bei Jenny (Mia Kirshner, ?24”), denn zwischen ihr, Shane und dem Rest der Clique kochen die Gefühle dramatisch hoch...

Natürlich bekommen die ?The L word DVD“-Damen auch wieder glamour?se Unterstützung aus Hollywood: Elizabeth Berkley (?CSI: Miami“) und Lucy Lawless (?Burn Notice“) mischen dieses Mal den l?ssigen L.A.-Lifestyle auf.

?The L word DVD Set“ exklusiv
Sexier und spannender als je zuvor erscheint die letzte Season noch vor der TV-Ausstrahlung mit gewohnt unwiderstehlichem Bonusmaterial. Zudem sollten sich Fans die hochwertige Sammlerbox mit allen sechs Staffeln plus exklusivem Booklet mit vielen Hintergrundinformationen zu Leben, Liebe und Leidenschaft der lesbischen Frauenclique als The L word DVD boxsetsexy Accessoire für das DVD-Regal sichern. Die Complete Box ist vorerst exklusiv nur auf erh?ltlich!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Christina Kim addresses the "L Word" and the LPGA

Christina Kim perhaps is the The L word DVD's most outspoken golfer, so it's no surprise there's nothing low-key about her new book, Swinging From My Heels. She takes on a wide array of The L word DVD Set, but the one that likely will get the most attention is her take on how many lesbians there are on the women's pro tour.

Says Kim:

"Contrary to The L word DVD boxset many people think, we are not the Lesbians Playing Golf Association. By my count there are no more than two dozen gay women playing the tour right now. Considering there are 230 active The L word Seasons 1-6 DVD boxsetmembers, you're only talking about 10% of the players, which from everything I've read is in line with the population as a whole.

"I understand that thanks to The L word DVD and Internet porn many guys are keenly interested in girl-on-girl action, but to every player I know the issue is just not that big a deal. There are no super-freaky homophobes out here or militant man-haters. At most, a The L word DVD set's sexuality may be an occasional practice-round conversation piece: 'Hey, did you hear that so-and-so likes girls?' 'Really? Huh. So, did you hit an 8-iron or a 9?' "

The L word cast was revealed today by Showtime and an E! Online article. The Real L World is a reality series that will appear on Showtime this summer, taking its lead from the show that used to be
called The L word DVD. The L word DVD Set was a ground-breaking series, and now it has spawned a reality show designed to bring in the same demographic of viewers that were saddened by the series finale of The L word Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset a little over a year ago. The early cast reveal for The L word DVD is obviously designed to spark some interest for the new reality show and to give it some spice as the series premiere draws a bit close on Showtime.

The original L word DVD Set series ran for six seasons before coming to an end in March of 2009. Now the new version of the show will be produced by The L word DVD boxset creator Ilene Chaiken and executive produced by Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz. It is definitely a reality show that is aiming at specific demographics in the Showtime audiences and will hope to gain back the ratings share that The L word Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset had back when it was running new episodes for the network. The whole premise of The Real L word DVD will be to follow a group of lesbians living in Los Angeles, and follow them as they live their lives. It will be very similar to how the Real Housewives series,The L word DVD boxset has been worked and could end up attracting some of those fans as well.

The first key to creating any good reality The L word DVD is to get people involved that are going to be interesting, intriguing, or are going to cause trouble on the set. Showtime might have exactly what they were looking for with the group of six women that they have put together. The group of women includes a television development executive (Tracy), a Hollywood special effects artist (Whitney), Hollywood rep Nikki, and two of the girls are already planning to get married. The Real The L word DVD Set series premiere is set for Sunday, June 20th at 10 p.m. on Showtime, and will hold down that timeslot for its first season.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Real L Word Cast Revealed by Showtime for June Season Premiere

The L word cast was revealed today by Showtime and an E! Online article. The Real L World is a reality series that will appear on Showtime this summer, taking its lead from the show that used to be
called The L word DVD. The L word DVD Set was a ground-breaking series, and now it has spawned a reality show designed to bring in the same demographic of viewers that were saddened by the series finale of The L word Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset a little over a year ago. The early cast reveal for The L word DVD is obviously designed to spark some interest for the new reality show and to give it some spice as the series premiere draws a bit close on Showtime.

The original L word DVD Set series ran for six seasons before coming to an end in March of 2009. Now the new version of the show will be produced by The L word DVD boxset creator Ilene Chaiken and executive produced by Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz. It is definitely a reality show that is aiming at specific demographics in the Showtime audiences and will hope to gain back the ratings share that The L word Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset had back when it was running new episodes for the network. The whole premise of The Real L word DVD will be to follow a group of lesbians living in Los Angeles, and follow them as they live their lives. It will be very similar to how the Real Housewives series,The L word DVD boxset has been worked and could end up attracting some of those fans as well.

The first key to creating any good reality The L word DVD is to get people involved that are going to be interesting, intriguing, or are going to cause trouble on the set. Showtime might have exactly what they were looking for with the group of six women that they have put together. The group of women includes a television development executive (Tracy), a Hollywood special effects artist (Whitney), Hollywood rep Nikki, and two of the girls are already planning to get married. The Real The L word DVD Set series premiere is set for Sunday, June 20th at 10 p.m. on Showtime, and will hold down that timeslot for its first season.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Meet The Real L Word Ladies

The first photo of the sexy ladies set to open their lives for the Showtime cameras for “The L word” series has been released. It is another reality show (Think Bravo’s “Real Housewives”) and TV viewers will have an opportunity to take a high definition look at the six women whose life as lesbians in and around the City of Angels will be exposed.
The cable channel claims viewers will get to see a “rare, fly-on-the-wall look into the lives of attractive and successful L.A. lesbians”. Showtime ordered The L word DVD last September and it is being produced by The L word DVD Set creator Ilene Chaiken and executive produced by Magical Elves co-founders Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz, reports TV Reality World.


Megan Masters of E!The L word Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset Online adds: “If you thought those Real Housewives were racy, wait till you get a load of this—hello, it is the first gay-themed premium cable reality series! It’s gotta be groundbreaking.”

Watch With Kristin from E! Online unveiled the cast. Tracy, 28 is described as a “smokin’ hot film and television development executive.” Whitney, 27, is a Hollywood special effects artist.


Nikki, 37 is planning her wedding with her 33 year old co-star on the new series Jill. Rose, 35 was the real inspiration for “The L Word” character Papi. The final lady that will share her life is Mikey, 34, the founder of The Gallery Los Angeles and produces LA Fashion Weekend.
The L word DVD premieres at 10 p.m. Sunday, June 20 on Showtime.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Look at the Lovely Ladies of Showtime's The Real L Word

Just over a year ago, we said a sad so long to Showtime's groundbreaking series The L word DVD—a finale which, let's face it, left us dying for more.

Lucky for us, Showtime is bringing more of badass-chick goodness this summer, reality style, with The L word DVD Set, and we've got your exclusive first look at the sexy ladies.

If you thought those Real Housewives were racy, wait till you get a load of this—hello, it is the first gay-themed premium cable reality series! It's gotta be groundbreaking. Now get here and get to know the girls...

Described as "a rare, fly-on-the-wall look into the lives of attractive and successful L.A. lesbians," we'd like to introduce you to the lovely ladies of The L word dvd boxset (clockwise from far left):

Tracy, 29: Smokin' hot film and television development executive Tracy is the newbie to the lesbian scene, and still struggling with her mother, who's having a hard time dealing with Tracy's sexuality. Throughout The L word 1-6 boxset, we'll watch Tracy juggle career and a new relationship.

Whitney, 27: We're bound to see some drama with this one! The Hollywood special effects artist is a self-professed terrible girlfriend, saying she's "always looking for love, but losing to lust." Keep an eye on this street-smart wild child.

Nikki, 37: Already famous in her own right (she's a rep/manager/producer/industry bigwig, and publicly came out on The Oprah Winfrey Show!), Nikki is now engaged and planning her wedding to RealThe L word DVD costar Jill.

Rose, 35: Listen up, fans of The L word Season 1-6 DVD—Rose was actually the inspiration for Papi. This real estate advisor is a "lotharia" who wants to settle down, but can't seem to shake her old habits. She's currently in a loving relationship and has the full support of her family.

Mikey, 34: Also a bit of an L.A. celeb, Mickey is the founder of The Gallery Los Angeles and produces LA Fashion Weekend. She's also engaged and trying to plan a wedding of her own. We'll see if she can balance her fiancée, clients and the motorcycle she loves so much.

Jill, 33: This Jersey girl next door is engaged to costar Nikki and enjoys her career as a writer in Los Angeles. She, too, has the support of her family.

And there you have it. The L word begins Sunday, June 20 at 10 p.m. on Showtime—will you be watching? Which lady are you loving already? Speak your mind in the comments below.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Get Your First Look at the Lovely Ladies of Showtime's The Real L Word

Just over a year ago, we said a sad so long to Showtime's groundbreaking series The L word DVD—a finale which, let's face it, left us dying for more.

Lucky for us, Showtime is bringing more of badass-chick goodness this summer, reality style, with The L word DVD Set, and we've got your exclusive first look at the sexy ladies.

If you thought those Real Housewives were racy, wait till you get a load of this—hello, it is the first gay-themed premium cable reality series! It's gotta be groundbreaking. Now get here and get to know the girls...

Described as "a rare, fly-on-the-wall look into the lives of attractive and successful L.A. lesbians," we'd like to introduce you to the lovely ladies of The L word dvd boxset (clockwise from far left):

Tracy, 29: Smokin' hot film and television development executive Tracy is the newbie to the lesbian scene, and still struggling with her mother, who's having a hard time dealing with Tracy's sexuality. Throughout The L word 1-6 boxset, we'll watch Tracy juggle career and a new relationship.

Whitney, 27: We're bound to see some drama with this one! The Hollywood special effects artist is a self-professed terrible girlfriend, saying she's "always looking for love, but losing to lust." Keep an eye on this street-smart wild child.

Nikki, 37: Already famous in her own right (she's a rep/manager/producer/industry bigwig, and publicly came out on The Oprah Winfrey Show!), Nikki is now engaged and planning her wedding to RealThe L word DVD costar Jill.

Rose, 35: Listen up, fans of The L word Season 1-6 DVD—Rose was actually the inspiration for Papi. This real estate advisor is a "lotharia" who wants to settle down, but can't seem to shake her old habits. She's currently in a loving relationship and has the full support of her family.

Mikey, 34: Also a bit of an L.A. celeb, Mickey is the founder of The Gallery Los Angeles and produces LA Fashion Weekend. She's also engaged and trying to plan a wedding of her own. We'll see if she can balance her fiancée, clients and the motorcycle she loves so much.

Jill, 33: This Jersey girl next door is engaged to costar Nikki and enjoys her career as a writer in Los Angeles. She, too, has the support of her family.

And there you have it. The L word begins Sunday, June 20 at 10 p.m. on Showtime—will you be watching? Which lady are you loving already? Speak your mind in the comments below.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Get Your First Look at the Lovely Ladies of Showtime's The Real L Word

Just over a year ago, we said a sad so long to Showtime's groundbreaking series The L word DVD—a finale which, let's face it, left us dying for more.

Lucky for us, Showtime is bringing more of badass-chick goodness this summer, reality style, with The L word DVD Set, and we've got your exclusive first look at the sexy ladies.

If you thought those Real Housewives were racy, wait till you get a load of this—hello, it is the first gay-themed premium cable reality series! It's gotta be groundbreaking. Now get here and get to know the girls...

Described as "a rare, fly-on-the-wall look into the lives of attractive and successful L.A. lesbians," we'd like to introduce you to the lovely ladies of The L word dvd boxset (clockwise from far left):

Tracy, 29: Smokin' hot film and television development executive Tracy is the newbie to the lesbian scene, and still struggling with her mother, who's having a hard time dealing with Tracy's sexuality. Throughout The L word 1-6 boxset, we'll watch Tracy juggle career and a new relationship.

Whitney, 27: We're bound to see some drama with this one! The Hollywood special effects artist is a self-professed terrible girlfriend, saying she's "always looking for love, but losing to lust." Keep an eye on this street-smart wild child.

Nikki, 37: Already famous in her own right (she's a rep/manager/producer/industry bigwig, and publicly came out on The Oprah Winfrey Show!), Nikki is now engaged and planning her wedding to RealThe L word costar Jill.

Rose, 35: Listen up, fans of The L word—Rose was actually the inspiration for Papi. This real estate advisor is a "lotharia" who wants to settle down, but can't seem to shake her old habits. She's currently in a loving relationship and has the full support of her family.

Mikey, 34: Also a bit of an L.A. celeb, Mickey is the founder of The Gallery Los Angeles and produces LA Fashion Weekend. She's also engaged and trying to plan a wedding of her own. We'll see if she can balance her fiancée, clients and the motorcycle she loves so much.

Jill, 33: This Jersey girl next door is engaged to costar Nikki and enjoys her career as a writer in Los Angeles. She, too, has the support of her family.

And there you have it. The L word begins Sunday, June 20 at 10 p.m. on Showtime—will you be watching? Which lady are you loving already? Speak your mind in the comments below.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Meet The Real L Word Ladies - Showtime's 'Real Housewives' Offer

The first photo of the sexy ladies set to open their lives for the Showtime cameras for "The Real L Word" series has been released. It is another reality show (Think Bravo's "Real Housewives") and TV viewers will have an opportunity to take a high definition look at the six women whose life as lesbians in and around the City of Angels will be exposed.
The cable channel claims viewers will get to see a "rare, fly-on-the-wall look into the lives of attractive and successful L.A. lesbians". Showtime ordered The Real L Word last September and it is being produced by The L Word creator Ilene Chaiken and executive produced by Magical Elves co-founders Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz, reports TV Reality World.


Megan Masters of E! Online adds: "If you thought those Real Housewives were racy, wait till you get a load of this—hello, it is the first gay-themed premium cable reality series! It's gotta be groundbreaking."

Watch With Kristin from E! Online unveiled the cast. Tracy, 28 is described as a "smokin' hot film and television development executive." Whitney, 27, is a Hollywood special effects artist.


Nikki, 37 is planning her wedding with her 33 year old co-star on the new series Jill. Rose, 35 was the real inspiration for "The L Word" character Papi. The final lady that will share her life is Mikey, 34, the founder of The Gallery Los Angeles and produces LA Fashion Weekend.

The Real L Word premieres at 10 p.m. Sunday, June 20 on Showtime.